Jean Monnet Winter School for Local Governments Conducted within Jean Monnet Module “EaP beyond 2020”
16, 19-22 February 2024 | Baku, Azerbaijan
On 16-22 February 2024, ADA University Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) EU program has organized and conducted Jean Monnet Winter School “Building capacity for good, smart and green governance. EU Practices” for civil servants, elected and staff members of state institutes and municipalities. The Winter School has been conducted within the framework of Jean Monnet Module “Enhancing capacity for EU-EaP resilient cooperation within new EaP beyond 2020 policy objectives: perspectives from Azerbaijan”.
The Winter School aimed to enhance the knowledge and capacity of participants in effective governance practices and mechanisms based on European practice, to advance their knowledge in principles of the Council of Europe in Good governance to improve capacity for decentralisation and better public administration at local, regional and central authorities; to enhance knowledge about smart cities concept and green public administration practices and build capacity for climate action at local, regional and central authorities. The program of the Training School has been structured around lectures and group learning activities with the special emphasis on three core themes: Principles of Good Governance, Skills training, and Environmental actorness of subnational authorities. The school has been finalized with discussion of current program outcomes and prospects of cooperation; training needs assessment of municipalities elected staff employees was conducted.