5th Early Career Researcher’s Training School

5th Early Career Researcher’s Training School

The 5th Early Career Researcher’s Training School (TS) “Writing Workshop on “How to write” was conducted between 20-27 February 2023, by Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) under the aegis of Jean Monnet Chairmanship.  This program aimed to provide a foundation upon which participants learn how to write high-impact decision memos and deliver effective in-person policy briefings. TS is tailored to offer an opportunity for research development, training, exchange of ideas, and network-building for postgraduate students, young career researchers writing in the field of political science, security studies, and pressing global and regional challenges including peace and security, ecology, economy and employment, and international and national responses to current and emerging challenges.

Insightful and engaging program included presentation and discussion of papers submitted by the selected participants by appointed discussants, skill workshops by senior scholars and key-note lectures by the leading experts in the field. The TS has began with a workshop on how to write a decision memo and present a policy briefing on this basis. Participant were then assigned to write one memo and be prepared to present it in person through a role-playing exercise on the second day of the workshop. The TS was concluded with training on how develop a professional policy paper. The list of the prominent experts who have enriched the discussion included Dr. Fariz Ismailzade, Vice Rector of ADA University and Director of IDD, Damjan Krnjevic, Director for Policy Research, Analysis, and Publications, IDD and Dr. Anar Valiyev, Jean Monnet Chair, Professor ADA University.

“I have found the Training School very interesting, useful and stimulating. Not only I had an opportunity to acquainted new skills and knowledge but also, I could contribute from the lectures of the top experts in the subject. I have especially enjoyed the skills workshops which have helped me to understand more about the policy paper design” have shared her experience of participating at the program one of the participants.

The Early Career Researcher’s Training School is an international program conducted already for five consecutive years by IDD’s EU Program. The program is being co-organized by Jean Monnet Chair Dr. Anar Valiyev.