Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on “Resilience in EaP”

The new EaP agenda proposes a revision of the EaP multilateral architecture to adjust the framework to the new priorities and make it fully fit for purpose. A dynamic international and regional political and economic environment in the EaP region requires a comprehensive knowledge and approach to put the proposed agenda into action and fully understand and implement it. Thus, wider spread of knowledge, profound research, and intensive outreach on EU-EaP cooperation is needed at the EaP and EU level for effective policymaking. Thus, this Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Working towards resilient societies in the EaP: challenges and opportunities for the policy beyond 2020” project paves way to research driven policymaking, cultivation of students, graduates and young researchers with deep EU knowledge, policy-academia dialogue on EU’s EaP policy and wider spread of knowledge on EU-EaP cooperation for public diplomacy and strengthening within EaP countries dialogue and people to people contacts. In view of the unprecedented level of instability and unique challenges within the EaP region and pivot of history of EU-EaP relations, the current JM CoE will underline the importance of research and academia, policy dialogue as actors of change and need of their more profound engagement and voices to be heard both on the European and regional levels. This initiative will organize, formalize and extend cooperation between internationally recognized scholars from the EaP region and beyond in the field of EU Studies. This will be achieved through a range of activities within three dimensions: Research, Policy dimension and knowledge dissemination. 

Objectives of the current project include the following:
• to push forward a research agenda on EU Studies across ADA University and all the partner institutes
• to shape and enrich academic and policy debate and decision-making on further European integration by tracing key dynamics of the EU-EaP relations for more resilient EU-EaP cooperation
• to build a lasting and effective network of academic institutions and EU-focused research
• to promote a better understanding of the EU external action and its policies and its role in the geopolitics 
of the EaP region
• disseminate information and EU views on issues of interest within regional communities

Serving as a provider of policy-relevant research and analysis, Institute of Diplomacy and Development is a think tank at ADA University, implementing the current JM CoE and providing leading research and analysis, as well as events and knowledge platforms on European Union studies. Within the current project, the IDD will organise and implement Policy Design Workshops and discussions on vital topics of interest to EU-EaP policy and relations. Funding award for young career researchers from Ukraine and Georgia will be offered to visit annual Early Career Researchers Training School hosted by Jean Monnet Chair Dr Anar Valiyev at ADA University. Citizen juries will be conducted in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine to feed policy analysis, Overall, the project provides a space for EU studies on campus and broaden visibility on, interest in, and understanding of the European Union. 

This website was created and/or maintained with the financial support of the European Union.