Adaptive Strategic Execution Program

Adaptive Strategic Execution Program

Adaptive Strategic Execution Program

About Adaptive Strategic Execution Program

In May of 2017, Strategy Execution announced its partnership with Duke Corporate Education, a world-class provider of global leadership solutions, ranked in the top 3 by the Financial Times in Custom Executive Education for 18 consecutive years. As a result of bilateral cooperation, the agreed parties launched the Adaptive Strategic Execution Program (ASEP). This curriculum of professional training was specifically created to address a critical gap in the market, providing leaders with the skills and mindset needed to successfully navigate the increasingly complex and unpredictable business environment in which we operate today.

BP and its co-venturers in the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Shah Deniz, and South Caucasus Pipeline projects – SOCAR, TPAO, PETRONAS, Chevron, LUKOIL, NICO, Equinor, INPEX, ExxonMobil, SGC, ITOCHU, ONGC, TOTAL, Eni bring this internationally-recognised Adaptive Strategic Execution Program to Azerbaijan, basing it at ADA University.

The Adaptive Strategic Execution Program (ASEP) focuses explicitly on building leaders who can master the three domains that influence and define how work gets done: strategy, work, and people. The curriculum consists of six courses, each aligning to two or more of these domains and addressing an emerging leadership challenge. 

Adaptive strategic execution program certification requirements

Course Certificate: For each ASEP course you complete, earn a course certificate of completion from Duke Corporate Education.

Program Certificate: Take the required six courses to complete the program and earn a program certificate of completion from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

Certified SEP Letter of Distinction: Upon completion of the program, you can choose to apply for a distinction and become a certified Strategic Execution Professional (SEP) by submitting a written assignment to the ASEP Academic Council. Receive a letter of distinction from Duke Corporate Education and add credentials to your title.

Learn more about ASEP



Each of the six courses in the program aligns to two or more of the domains in the SELF Model, and are designed to teach the competencies necessary to navigate these domains in a real-world setting.

Course Stream 1 Stream 2
Instructor Start End Instructor Start End
Making Sense of Complexity Jonathan Gilbert 19-Sep-2019 21-Sep-2019 Hugh Cameron 26-Sep-2019 28-Sep-2019
Aligning Work with Strategy Loreen Ozolins 17-Oct-2019 19-Oct-2019 Loreen Ozolins 24-Oct-2019 26-Oct-2019
Building Effective Teams Clayton Ainger 21-Nov-2019 23-Nov-2019 Clayton Ainger 28-Nov-2019 30-Nov-2019
Design Thinking for Results Jack Duggal 12-Dec-2019 14-Dec-2019 Jack Duggal 19-Dec-2019 21-Dec-2019
Influencing Without Authority Jack Duggal 23-Jan-2020 25-Jan-2020 Jack Duggal 30-Jan-2020 01-Feb-2020
Driving & Influencing Change Jonathan Gilbert 27-Feb-2020 29-Feb-2020 Jonathan Gilbert 05-Mar-2020 07-Mar-2020


Course Stream 3 Stream 4
Instructor Start End Instructor Start End
Aligning Work with Strategy George Sifri 18-Oct-2021 20-Oct-2021 George Sifri 21-Oct-2021 23-Oct-2021
Making Sense of Complexity Jack Duggal 15-Nov-2021 17-Nov-2021 Jack Duggal 18-Nov-2021 20-Nov-2021
Design Thinking for Results Jack Duggal 22-Nov-2021 24-Nov-2021 Jack Duggal 25-Nov-2021 27-Nov-2021
Building Effective Teams Rick Graham 6-Dec-2021 8-Dec-2021 Rick Graham 9-Dec-2021 11-Dec-2021
Driving & Influencing Change Rick Graham 13-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2021 Rick Graham 16-Dec-2021 18-Dec-2021
Influencing Without Authority George Sifri 20-Dec-2021 22-Dec-2021 George Sifri 23-Dec-2021 25-Dec-2021


Course Stream 5 Stream 6
Instructor Start End Instructor Start End
Making Sense of Complexity Jack Duggal 6-Apr-2022 8-Apr-2022 Jack Duggal 11-Apr-2022 13-Apr-2022
Aligning Work with Strategy - 11-May-2022 13-May-2022 - 16-May-2022 18-May-2022
Design Thinking for Results Jack Duggal 1-June-2022 3-June-2022 Jack Duggal 6-June-2022 8-June-2022
Influencing Without Authority Loreen Ozolins 21-Sep-2022 23-Sep-2022 Loreen Ozolins 26-Sep-2022 28-Sep-2022
Building Effective Teams - 19-Oct-2022 21-Oct-2022 - 24-Oct-2022 26-Oct-2022
Driving & Influencing Change George Sifri 16-Nov-2022 18-Nov-2022 George Sifri 21-Nov-2022 23-Nov-2022

Financial Support and Tuition Fee

In recognizing the critical need for a high-quality strategic leadership program of this nature, BP and their co-venturers are bringing the ASEP initiative to Azerbaijan. As part of this, they are contributing heavily to the cost of tuition for a total of six cohorts (Streams). Below is a table showing the amount contributed by BP & Partners, for each Stream, and the corresponding participant tuition fee, which will be paid by the participant or their company.

This subsidy represents a greater commitment on behalf of BP and their co-venturers towards providing educational opportunities for the business community in Azerbaijan. As such, the subsidy is ONLY available to Azerbaijani citizens, in relevant roles and who are accepted to the program, having completed the required application. For participants who attend the program, it represents outstanding value.

Stream BP & Co-Venturer`s Subsidy Tuition fee per particiant
1 $8,946 (70%) $3,834 (30%)
2 $8,946 (70%) $3,834 (30%)
3 $8,307 (65%) $4,473 (35%)
4 $7,668 (60%) $5,112 (40%)
5 $7,029 (55%) $5,751 (45%)
6 $6,390 (50%) $6,390 (50%)

Knowledge center

We have a catalogue of webinars that Strategy Execution have presented globally, on key topics and themes related to the Adaptive Strategic Execution Program.  They offer leading insight into the challenges we face today, and ideas about how to adapt and look at things with a different mindset.  These webinars may be accessed by anyone at the following link.

We also offer access to the PMO perspectives blog which has many great articles on relevant topics, which you can find at the following link.

Making Sense of Complexity focuses on the very nature of our working contexts today, arguing that the work we do is more complex than ever and that this complexity demands new approaches. Participants will learn how to recognize, diagnose, and respond appropriately to complex environments and situations in a highly interactive course setting. The course serves as an introduction and touchpoint to the rest of the courses in the program. Learn more

Aligning Work With Strategy sensitizes participants to the mindset necessary to think and act strategically as they lead and execute work in their organizations . Attendees focus on the mutually supportive skills of translating the larger organizational strategy to their own work and architecting their own strategies for executing this work . Additionally, participants learn the importance of having a strategic frame of reference that maintains alignment of strategy with the critical domains of work and people to enable effective execution . Learn more

Influencing Without Authority equips participants with the skills needed to build credibility and effectively influence stakeholders, even if they lack the formal authority to make demands on resources . This course helps attendees understand the attitudes and behaviors of leaders who know how to get work done through influence and persuasion whether managing up, down, across, or diagonally within organizations . Learn more

In this complex and volatile context in which we work, most organizations are faced with-- and must respond to-- - change on a continuous basis . Many are left wondering-- how do we get work done, execute our strategy and succeed when the parameters keep shifting ? Through facilitated discussion, lively activities, and relevant case study exercises, Driving and Influencing Change invites participants to explore how change has impacted their own lives and to discover what it means to adopt an adaptive mindset . By applying change models in their own business context, examining the attributes of a successful change driver and influencer, and learning to help others through the change process, participants will obtain the knowledge, tools, and dispositions to become true practitioners of driving and influencing change . Learn more

Building Effective Teams focuses on how to implement practices for leading highly effective teams in unstable and often distributed environments . Participants will learn how to build and guide diverse teams that can navigate the impacts of external and internal forces and how to form, coach, and lead teams that are resilient and responsive to complex work and volatile contexts . Learn more

Design Thinking for Results engages participants in a discussion about an iterative design process which bridges imagination and implementation to help organizations rapidly and incrementally address complex challenges, create value, and grow . Participants will explore the need for customer - focused thinking and learn that not all innovation involves product innovation . They will experience the value that innovating around processes and services can bring to an organization and discover how to implement a test -and-learn mentality that captures more value for the organization more quickly . Learn more

Adaptive leadership approach is a corner stone in addressing new challenges in our ever-changing world and environment we operate in. ASEP is an exceptional leadership program which offers unique opportunity for networking, thought provoking group discussions, self-development and personal growth. I’m sure everyone of us will find new approach to leadership and take on a challenge to apply what we learnt on this program to our day-to-day work and promote adaptive mindset to implementation of the strategy on business level and eventually contribute to growth of our country! Huge thanks to the organizes and tutors for the quality of content, facility and support! Great job!
Adaptive Strategic Execution Program
Elnara Mammadova
bp, Head of Performance Management, AGT
ASEP is a true mind opening session, helping to structure your approach to strategy execution. It helps to unlock your design thinking capability, provides you with tools and frames that you can apply on daily basis and as such improve your adaptability to rapid changes and align your activities to corporate strategy.
Adaptive Strategic Execution Program
Eldar Mammadzada
Nobel Oil