8th ADA EU Summer School: The European Union and the Challenges of the New Global Context
Program and Curriculum
This intensive two-week Jean Monnet Summer School on European Union Studies offers in-depth knowledge on EU policy making, with a focus on new challenges confronted by the EU as an international actor within the context of deteriorating international environment and global challenges.
The School will provide an introduction to the various challenges that the European Union is facing in the past years, including pandemic, energy crisis, security crisis in EaP, Ukraine crisis, as the greatest test for the EU’s common foreign and security policy. The EU policies and effectiveness of Common Foreign and Security Policy in addressing these exceptional circumstances to move toward a more effective role in global decision making will be discussed and debated. By the end of the program, the program participants will have a comprehensive understanding of current geopolitical realities and security challenges that are shaping EU foreign policy strategies and EU’s main external vulnerabilities that need enhanced policy measures.
Lectures and interactive exchanges with academicians and experts are complemented with site visits and guest lectures by real-live practitioners. The program curriculum will address the following topics:
This Summer School is organised by ADA University, Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) in partnership with Ca Foscari University (Italy) within Jean Monnet Module on “Enhancing capacity for EU-EaP resilient cooperation within new EaP beyond 2020 policy objectives: perspectives from Azerbaijan”. The Summer School will be taught on campus. This two week program is scheduled for mid June 2024 (June 12-23) from Monday to Friday (June 12-16 week 1; and June 19-23 week 2).
Who can apply?
Students, young professionals and early career researchers who wish to broaden their knowledge of the European institutions, European decision-making process in general and current geopolitical developments in Eurasia.
How to apply?
If you are a student, graduate, young researcher and young professional and interested in the program, please, apply by filling in by May 22, 2023. Participation fee is 200 euro, to be paid after the selection process is complete. Limited number of scholarships available for international applicants. Fore more information of scholarships please contact ceeus@ada.edu.az
Link to application form: https://bit.ly/40ShOR0