ADA EU Summer School 2023 has officially launched
The ADA EU Summer School 2023 has officially launched today!
For the eighth consecutive year, this two-week intensive program will provide valuable insights into EU policymaking, focusing on the new challenges faced by the EU in a rapidly changing global environment.
The opening ceremony of the program was attended by ADA University's Vice Rector and IDD's Director, Dr. Fariz Ismailzade, and the Deputy Head of the EU delegation, Zoltan Szalai.
The theme for this year's program is "The European Union and the Challenges of the New Global Context".
Organized by ADA University's Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) in collaboration with Ca Foscari University (Italy) as part of the Jean Monnet Module on "Enhancing capacity for EU-EaP resilient cooperation within new EaP beyond 2020 policy objectives: perspectives from Azerbaijan", this summer school promises to be an enriching experience.