Over 30 International Experts Convened in Lachin for Sideline Panel of 6th ADA University Policy Forum, "COP 29 and Green Vision for Azerbaijan"
During the conference, co-organized by the ADA University and the Center of Analysis of International Relations, academicians, former ambassadors and representatives of international think tanks will share their experiences regarding the sustainable development and green energy.
The guests first visited the city of Zangilan, where they got acquainted with the Zangilan International Airport.
The panel session featured discussions on important steps taken towards sustainable development in the region, with a special emphasis on COP29 and Azerbaijan's green energy policy.
The first panel discussion on sustainable development in Karabakh was moderated by Fariz Ismailzade, Vice Rector of ADA University, Director of the Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD).
Special Representative of the Azerbaijani President in Lachin district Masim Mammadov, Special Representative in Shusha district Aydin Karimov, and Special Representative in Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan districts Vahid Hajiyev joined the panel discussions.
The second panel discussion moderated by Farid Shafiyev, Center of Analysis of International Relations Chairman, brought together the panelists including Matthew Bryza, Board Member of the Jamestown Foundation, Alexandre Hedjazi, Geneva University's Director of Global Environment Policy Program, Ellen Wasylina, head of the Trocadéro Forum Institute and Jon Roberts, Director of Strategy of Methink company.