An intensive two-week Jean Monnet Summer School on European Union Studies was held
On June 12-23, 2023, ADA University Institute for Development and Diplomacy Center of Excellence in EU Studies has conducted an intensive two-week Jean Monnet Summer School on European Union Studies. The Summer School has equipped participants with in-depth knowledge on EU policy making, with a focus on new challenges confronted by the EU as an international actor within the context of deteriorating international environment and global challenges. the central theme of this year program has been "The European Union and the Challenges of the New Global Context".
An international group of School participants from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Germany, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan have acquired knowledge a comprehensive understanding of current geopolitical realities and security challenges that are shaping EU foreign policy strategies and EU’s main external vulnerabilities that need enhanced policy measures.
The program featured prominent academicians and practicians including Jean Monnet Jean Chair Dr Anar Valiyev, Samuel Doveri Vesterbye, Managing Director of the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC), H.E. Dr Ralf Horlemann, Ambassador of Germany to Azerbaijan, Mr Tural Ganjaliyev, Member of Parliament, Dr Carlo Frappi from Ca' Foscary University of Venice.
This Summer School was organised by Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) Center of Excellence in EU Studies (CEEUS) in partnership with Ca' Foscari University (Italy) within Jean Monnet Module on “Enhancing capacity for EU-EaP resilient cooperation within new EaP beyond 2020 policy objectives: perspectives from Azerbaijan”.