Deputy Ministers of Venezuela attended in the Roundtable Discussion
Here are the highlights of the roundtable discussion with Yuri Pimentel Moura, Deputy Minister for Africa of the People's Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Tatiana Pugh Moreno, Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East and Oceania at the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
During the discussion, they talked about the foreign policy priorities of Venezuela, emphasizing the importance of strengthening strategic relations with other countries.
The speakers underscored a fundamental principle of their approach: "We promote peace through Bolivarian diplomacy."
Futhermore, the discussion touched upon the cooperation in the energy field, considering the rich resources of both Azerbaijan and Venezuela. At the end, the speakers stated the significance of cultural diplomacy and mutual understanding as means to improving diplomatic relations.
The roundtable was followed by questions of students representing different universities of Azerbaijan.